Our Services
General Practice
at Medigroup
We offer a wide range of general medical services, including but not limited to:
In-person and telephone consultations
Acute and Chronic Medical Care
Health Screening
Blood Testing
Insurance Medicals
If you require any service not listed above please contact the surgery.
See our websites page for more information on available services.
021 4391866
Women's Health
at Medigroup
We offer a full range of women's health services including:
Gynaecological Services
Dr Fiona Monahan offers extended appointments for both menopause consultations and crisis pregnancy care. Please inform reception if this is necessary in order to facilitate the correct appointment, 30 mins duration.
Complete 'First Menopause Appointment Form' here.
Your antenatal care is shared with the hospital and provided by our trained midwives according to the ​recommended HSE schedule.
See our websites page for more information on available services.
021 4391866
Sexual Wellbeing
at Medigroup
A variety of sexual wellbeing services are offered at Medigroup, including but not limited to:
STI screening
Contraception choices at Medigroup include:
Medigroup partakes in the Free Contraception Scheme which is available to patients aged between 17 and 26 years.
See our websites page for more information on available services.
021 4391866
Children's Health
at Medigroup
Medigroup is very much a family-oriented practice and we love to see our little patients thrive over the years. We provide the following services to ensure your children receive the best possible care while they grow:
Health reviews
Specialist Referrals
General Medical Care
Information on the childhood immunisation schedule can be found here.
Children under 8 years are entitled to free GP care in Ireland. Register for Under 8s GP Visit Card here.
See our websites page for more information on available services.
021 4391866